Whipped and Raped Page 4
With her one free hand, Sally managed to untie her other wrist from the bedpost. The knot was tied so tightly that it took her a full hour to free herself. She rushed to the bathroom to take a shower, feeling mixed emotions about what had happened to her.
What would she do now? she wondered. She couldn’t report Johnny and Billy to the police. If she said that they had raped her, they would deny it. And Billy had spoken the truth. There were no witnesses to the rape. She would look like a damned fool. There was nothing that she could do. Her dignity and honor had been trampled on by Billy and Johnny. She despised them both, but there was nothing that she could do to redeem her honor.
It was getting late, but Sally decided that she wanted to go for a swim. She put on a tight-fitting, skimpy bikini and headed for the beach. The beach was only three blocks from her apartment, so she was there in a jiffy.
She ignored the lewd stares of the men who lingered on the beach as she strode toward the ocean water and leapt into the breaking waves. Her muscles ached from the abuse that Billy and Johnny bad meted out to her, and she found the salt water very soothing on her flesh. She swam about in the cold water and body surfed, enjoying herself totally, forgetting for a time the dreadful experience which she had just been put through. Before long, the sun began to sink on the horizon and the ocean breezes became cold on her flesh. Her skin was covered with goose-bumps and she ran out of the water. The air was chilling on her flesh and she realized that it was a mistake to stay in the water so long. She was freezing, quivering. She hugged herself as she stood in the sand.
“Hello, there, little lady,” came the deep voice of a handsome man who sat behind her. “You look like you’re freezing to death. Here, take my jacket.” He rose and moved forward, gallantly removing his terrycloth jacket and placing it over her shoulders.
“Why, thank you,” she said shyly, snuggling into the warm jacket. “That’s very sweet of you. My name is Sally.”
“Nice to meet you, Sally. My name is Bertram. Bertram Havermeyer. I’m staying at a condominium just up the beach a bit. How about joining me for a drink. You look like you could use something to warm you up.”
“No, I don’t think…”
“Oh, come on. I’m not going to attack you or anything. I’m new in the area, on a vacation from New Jersey. You’re the first friendly person I’ve met in Hermosa Beach. And the prettiest, too.” He put his arm around her shivering shoulders and led her to the Strand, the concrete walkway that ran along the ocean.
Sally felt safe and secure with Bertram Havermeyer. He was big and strong, with bulging muscles and a thick chest covered with hair. He had a beautiful head of hair, curly thick blond hair, cut fashionably. Bertram had the air of a man with money. Sally snuggled up close to the man as they walked into the lobby of his expensive condominium building. They stepped into the elevator, which opened up on the penthouse floor of a stunningly decorated condominium apartment. Sally was visibly impressed.
“You like the place?” Bertram Havermeyer asked. “Frankly, I think it’s a bit garish and gaudy, with all of the leather and suede furniture and the gold and silver ornaments. Besides,” he added, “I never was crazy about modern art,” referring to the Dali and Warhol originals which lined the walls. The handsome man seemed nonchalant, speaking about original works of art as though they were mere dime store prints.
“What would you like to drink?” he asked coolly.
“A rum and Coke, please,” Sally replied.
“Say,” Bertram said off-handedly, “why don’t you slip out of that wet bikini. You can throw on my bathrobe. It’s hanging on the bathroom door.”
“Thanks,” Sally answered, rising and walking to the bathroom. She was impressed at the marble floor in the bathroom. Tugging off her bikini, she turned around to discover that there was no bathrobe hanging on the door. Undaunted, she shrugged and called out to Bertram. “Excuse me, but your bathrobe isn’t here,” she said. “If you have something else that I might…”
Before she could finish the sentence, Bertram Havermeyer stepped into the bathroom, his eyes glowering at her luscious tits. “You’re right, Sally,” he said calmly. “Now, step this way.” He grabbed her arm and led her through the bathroom door, down a long, narrow, plush carpeted hallway and into a dark room.
“What’s this all about?” she protested angrily, trying to hide her young tits from his view, covering herself with her hands. She shuddered with fear, wondering what the man was planning to do next. She had trusted the man implicitly, and it was most distressing to find him acting strangely.
“I’ll show you what this is all about, my darling young girl,” he said. Casually, he sauntered over to the corner of the room and turned on the light switch. The room became bathed in harsh spotlights. There were four bright spotlights in the room, one in each corner. The lights were so bright that she briefly went blind. Covering her eyes with her hands, she cowered in the middle of the room. Then, when her vision began to return, she made a stumbling dash for the door. Bertram made no move to stop her. Still partially blinded, she turned the doorknob and threw the door open. Running forward, she smashed into the chest of a hulking bunk of a man who stood in the hallway just outside of the door. He stood there, his heavy, hairy, thick arms crossed over his heaving and huge chest. When she smashed into him, he didn’t move an inch. She bounced off of his chest and fell roughly to the floor.
“Met my good buddy,” Bertram said casually, his voice soft and even; “This is Malcolm Reams. Ever heard of him?” He chuckled as he spoke, enjoying some kind of inside joke. Malcolm Reams laughed, too. “Malcolm, this is Sally. I met her on the beach. I thought she’d make an excellent co star for your next feature film. What do you think other?”
“Nice piece of ass,” Malcolm said. He reached down and plucked the girl off the floor with one, swift effortless motion, astonishing Sally with his immense strength. Malcolm Reams lifted her up high, her toes a foot off the floor. He eyed her up and down, taking in the luscious contours of her beautiful, young body. “Nice tits, nice curves, nice red pussy.”
“Yeah, I thought that would photograph well. Red cunts are commercial. They sell more movies. Men dig red-thatched pussies. She’s a salable item, for sure,” Bertram Havermeyer said matter-of-factly. His voice was firm and even, without any inflections. He spoke like a businessman conducting a transaction. “Hmmmmm,” he said, shaking his head up and down in a gesture of approval. “Women like red-cunt bitches, too, right?”
“That’s right,” Malcolm Reams said, turning Sally around in mid-air. “Nice ass, too!” he said. Then, he held her aloft with one powerful arm and smacked her ass with his other hand. The smacking sound resounded through the harshly-lit room.
“What in the hell is going on around here?” Sally inquired indignantly. She was totally confused this was an absurd situation. Absurd, but frightening. Here she was being held aloft by a monster of a man, a man named Malcolm Reams.
Being held up like a hunk of meat, under the watchful eyes of Bertram Havermeyer. She felt ridiculous. What in the world was happening in this expensive Harmon Beach condominium? she wondered. “Let me go, you fucking ape!” she shouted at Malcolm.
Malcolm didn’t take kindly to her remark. He sneered at her, his upper lip curling over his straight white teeth. He tossed her aside, flinging her effortlessly across the room. She fell roughly onto the carpet, thankful that there was a thick pile rug on the floor to break her fall. She could have been hurt badly otherwise. She shook her head in disbelief and listened with intense interest to the discussion between Malcolm Reams and Bertram Havermeyer.
“I think she’ll do quite nicely, don’t you?” Bertram said.
“Yeah, you can make the bitch a fucking star,” Malcolm Reams said, his broad chin thrust forward, a lewd smile creeping across his rough, but handsome face.
Sally looked closely at Malcolm Reams. He was a huge man, at least six feet four inches
in height. He looked to be about two hundred and twenty pounds at least, every ounce firm, hard muscle. Malcolm was in good shape, there was no doubt about that, she thought. His face was angular, but handsome in a rugged sort of way. But he was so huge. He frightened her with his strength and size.
She cowered and watched the two men as they shook hands and looked in her direction.
Their eyes perused her naked body with gleeful enthusiasm. They sized her up as though she were a used car part at a swap meet. “Yeah, she’ll be great!” Bertram Havermeyer said with enthusiasm. “We’ll shoot the opening scenes right away, then we can finish up as soon as Mindy gets here. Where is the little bitch, anyway?”
“She’ll be along,” the hulking Malcolm Reams replied, smiling broadly. “She had a little bit of a problem disposing of the last girl she co-starred with. You know how jealous Mindy gets when there’s another beautiful girl in one of her films. Mindy thinks she’s the best porno star in the business, and she can’t stand competition.” Casting a baleful glance in Sally’s direction, he pointed his finger at her and warned, “Don’t get Mindy angry at you, bitch, because if you do, you’ll be awful fucking sorry.”
“I-I don’t understand,” Sally stammered, her mind racing, her body quaking with fear. “Who is Mindy and who are you two? And what do you want with me?”
“Jesus, Bert,” Malcolm said. “You mean to tell me the cunt doesn’t even know what she’s here for? Christ, I thought you were gonna be more professional after the last movie.” Malcolm was pissed off. He shook his head angrily, disgusted at Bertram Havermeyer.
“Listen,” Bertram said by way of explanation to the hulking man. “It ain’t easy casting porno films. I take what I can get. But I know you like sexy bitches to work with. It helps you get up for the part. Get it?” He laughed at his joke, and Malcolm soon joined in.
Sally didn’t comprehend the joke. She shook her head. “Just tell me what I’m doing here,” she demanded.
Malcolm stroked his crotch and strolled forward, rubbing the huge bulge in his pants. “You’re gonna co-star in a film, a porno film. With me!”
“No!” she screamed as the grim reality of the situation set in.
“Let her have it, Malcolm!” Bertram exclaimed. “I’ll get the camera and start filming. Break the bitch into the business good and proper. You’re the best in the business. Give it to her.”
“You bet!” Malcolm said, moving forward. He grabbed her arm in his powerful fist and squeezed her bicep.
“What – ouch!” she screeched as Malcolm Reams lifted her high in the air and slapped her across the face, jolting her head back, her teeth rattling in her mouth. Slap! Slap! Slap! He hit her three more times, quickly, knocking her head from side to side as though she were a rubber doll. Her head snapped back and she could hear bones cracking in her neck. For a moment, she wondered if her neck had been broken by the beating.
He flung her across the room. She slid across the carpeted floor and crumpled into the corner, cowering, weeping hard, tears streaming down her face. “You-you’re insane, both of you!” she shouted angrily.
Malcolm paid her no attention. He walked woodenly to the doorway and shouted out to Bertram. “Where are my fucking props, dammit?”
Bertram appeared in an instant, carrying a heavy black leather suitcase. He handed the suitcase to Malcolm and reached back into the hallway. When he reappeared, he carried a movie camera. He focused the lens and aimed the camera at the anguished, tear-stained face of Sally, who propped herself up on her hands and knees, shaking her head back and forth as though she were trying to recover from a dreadful nightmare. But it was not a nightmare! This was reality! She was relieved to discover that all of her bones were still in one piece. She had almost expected her body to be broken into small pieces from the rough treatment.
She watched anxiously as she saw Malcolm Reams rooting about in the suitcase. He pulled out a small, black leather riding crop and smiled gleefully. Stepping forward, he turned to face the movie camera. “Get a good shot of this, Bert,” he said. “I’m gonna whip the bitch real good!”
Sally could hardly believe the words that issued from the hulking man’s mouth. But the proof was in the pudding, and there was no question that Malcolm was standing above her, poised to strike her with the riding crop. “Get ready, bitch! I’m gonna beat your ass, you fucking slut!”
“No! Please, don’t hit me with that whip! I beg of you!” she screamed. “I beg of you!”
Malcolm certainly heard her screams of anguish, her piteous pleas for mercy, but he ruthlessly ignored them.
Whap! Whap! Whap! The riding crop fell with relentless regularity about her shoulders and tits. From the look on Malcolm’s face, Sally could tell that he truly relished whipping her with the riding crop. He hovered over her, his massive body shading her naked flesh from the harsh spotlights. He languished thrashing blows across her tortured and aching tits, the tip of the riding crop slashing painfully across her pointed nipples.
Enraged, but too scared to protest, Sally whimpered in agony and terror, screeching loudly. “Aaaaaeeee!” Her soul-rending shrieks echoed through the room as she tried desperately to cover her tender tits with her hands. She crossed her arms, placing her palms over her nipples to protect her aching tit-buds from further abuse. She rolled over and over, but Malcolm was instantly upon her with the riding crop, thrashing at whatever flesh was exposed on her naked body. She flinched as the whip struck her ass-checks, which quivered and trembled in response to the brutal whipping strokes which bore down upon her. Twitching and wincing with pain, she drew herself onto her hands and knees. She tried to crawl away from the thrashing whip, but Malcolm only followed her, taking long strides, flailing her mercilessly with the riding crop which sliced through the air and snapped across her flesh.
Malcolm seemed to be hungry to inflict pain on the poor, wretched young girl. He looked as though he were hypnotized with sadistic lust. His prick was bulging in his trousers as he straddled the girl and rained blows of the whip down on her tits. When she rolled over, he thrashed her ass-cheeks.
Al the while, Sally could hear the low whirring sound of the motion picture camera as it recorded the vile and wicked proceedings. Bertram Havermeyer was happily filming everything, a wide grin pasted on his face. Sally looked over in the man’s direction and was startled to see that his trousers were bulging, too. Bertram had a huge hard-on in his pants, his rigid prick striving to break out of his trousers. She was horrified at the lewd sight.
Malcolm threw the whip aside and grabbed the girl by her long, red hair. He pulled her head up and stood straddling her face. “Take my cock out of my pants,” he commanded in a stern, no-nonsense voice that frightened Sally half to death.
She instantly obeyed his vile command, unzipping his fly and tugging out his huge cock. When his prick flopped out of his trousers and wagged before her startled eyes, she did a classic double take. His prick was monstrous, bulging, bloated with hot blood, engorged and stiff. She held his limp prick in her palms and stared at his mammoth cock-shaft, astounded that any man’s prick could be so huge.
“Jack me off, slut!” Malcolm commanded sternly. “Jack my cock off! Get my prick nice and hard!”
“What?” she said. She really hadn’t heard what Malcolm had said. She had been too absorbed in looking at his huge prick to pay attention. “What was that?” she repeated weakly.
He cuffed her with his open palm, almost knocking her onto the floor. “Oh, Christ,” he said, exasperated. “You are a dumb cunt, aren’t you? Jack me off, cunt! Jerk my cock up and down. Get my prick hard, you idiot!”
“Okay,” she replied meekly. “I-I’m sorry! It-it’s just that your… your prick is so huge. Jesus! I-I’ve never seen such a big cock in my whole life.”
“Yeah!” Bertram interjected as he continued to film the debauched and decadent scene. “Good old Malcolm has what is known in the trade as a horse-cock. He is a well-hung son of
a bitch, isn’t he, Sally?”
Somewhat perturbed and overwhelmed by the manner in which Bertram spoke to her, Sally shook her head, trying to clear her mind. She wasn’t quite sure how to react to these lewd men. One thing she knew for certain – she was being filmed. Moreover, this was a pornographic film. Who could say how many people would see Sally, completely naked, helpless and vulnerable, at the mercy of Malcolm Reams? The very thought repelled her and made her sick to her stomach. She almost got sick on the spot, but there was no time to think or do anything but pay attention to Malcolm Reams, who stood hovering over her, his legs spread far apart, feet planted on the carpet. He kicked off his trousers and stood before her as she knelt on the floor, naked and exposed.
“Now, let’s get back to business, sweet cunt!” Malcolm snarled. “Weren’t you just about to jack my cock off, cunt?” He sneered at her crudely, his upper lip curling up at the corner. He ran his tongue across his teeth and glowered at the kneeling young girl. “Well, answer me, bitch! Weren’t you about to jack my cock off?”
“Y-yes, I suppose so,” she replied in a timid, barely audible voice that trembled as she spat out the words.
“Well, then, let’s see you snap to it, cunt! Here,” he said as he lifted his soft prick in the palm of his hand and held it toward her, arching his back in a practiced motion as Bertram Havermeyer moved in close, the camera aimed at Malcolm Reams’ gigantic cock-shaft.
Crawling forward, Sally reached out and touched Malcolm’s stupendous unit, which began to throb at once. She held his prick in the palm of her hand, holding the base of his cock near the back of her hand. His prick was so long that it curled over her fingers and drooped down a good six inches.
“My heavens!” Sally declared in utter fascination. “Your prick! It… why, it must be a foot long. God! I’ve never seen anything like it!” Sally wasn’t kidding. She couldn’t help admiring his huge prick. In fact, his cock was not only long – it was thick, too. And it was shaped perfectly. She shook her head, a perplexed look on her face, and spoke with true admiration. “You’ll have to excuse me for gawking at your cock, Malcolm, but I’ve just never seen anything like this before. Christ, what a cock!”