Whipped and Raped Read online

Page 6

  “Hey, that’s a good little bitch!” he snorted, his nostrils flaring sexily as he glowered at her. “Your pussy is starting to respond properly. Get a close shot of her cunt now, Malcolm,” he instructed. Malcolm moved forward and filmed her pussy impaled by the dildo. She could feel cunt-juice churning up inside of her abused twat now. Pussy-nectar lubricated her dark cuntal passageway, making it easier for the dildo to slice in and out of her tight, but wet cunt. He was working on her pussy with demonic delight, pumping and sawing the dildo into her juicy twat, smiling obscenely as he dildo-fucked the naked and helpless young eighteen-year-old girl, purposely tormenting her.

  “Hey!” Malcolm Reams said. “This is gonna make a great scene, Bertram. Shit, yeah! Look at that cunt-juice streaming out of her pussy!”

  “That’s right! Sally here is one hot little bitch. That’s for sure!” Bertram replied. He emphasized his point by slamming the dildo as far as it could go in her pussy, penetrating her twat deeply. He slammed the dildo into her cunt hard and fast, with staccato-like motions. Pumping and sawing! Slamming and pounding! Pummeling the dildo into her ravaged cunt, which dripped pussy-juice. Cunt-nectar poured out of her wet cunt and leaked onto the shaft of the rubber dildo, which glistened in the harsh light whenever Bertram pulled it out of her cunt in preparation for another thrust deep into her pussy.

  “Yeah, shit! Your cunt is starting to work real good now, bitch!” Bertram said coldly, his voice dripping with evilness and sexual decadence. He seemed to love talking lewdly to her, his mouth spewing forth grotesque curses and obscene epithets. “Yeah! Hot fucking damn! You like this, don’t you, Sally? You like having your cunt reamed out by a rubber dildo?”

  “Nooooo! I hate it! I… I… hate it!” she screamed in startled response. But deep down inside, deep in her heart, she knew that she was lying. The dildo-fucking was beginning to feel quite good. She refused to admit the truth to Bertram Havermeyer, and it was difficult even to admit the truth to herself. But there was no denying the chilling sensations of lust which welled up in her tight cunt. She was actually getting turned on by the dildo as it sliced deep and hard into her cunt. Pussy-juice gushed out of her twat and flowed down the length of the rubber dildo. Her cunt was slick with pussy-oils and the mighty dildo churned around in her twat, making her cunt-butter flow even more.

  She was hot, and she knew it! She nevertheless felt horribly degraded. The fact that she was getting hot and horny did not diminish her feelings of hatred for the two men who were so cruelly tormenting and sexually abusing her ripe young cunt. She watched Malcolm Reams out of the corner of her eye, seeing him maneuvering about the room to get different shots of her as she writhed about helplessly on the torture table. He zoomed in on her face which was a contorted mask of pain and humiliation. Then he would come around and zoom in right on her pussy, filming every glistening, slick drop of her pussy-nectar as it oozed obscenely out of her hot twat and dripped off the rubber dildo and onto the leather table. Her cunt was seething with lust, and desire, and she began to kick and buck in an attempt to derive sexual pleasure from the dildo-fucking.

  “Yeah, that’s great! Love it! Love it! This’ll make a terrific scene!” Bertram shouted enthusiastically as he thrust the rubber dildo into her hot cunt. “Shit, Sally! You’ll have a whole shit-load of fans out in porno film-land after this movie is released.”

  “Yeah, you might even win the coveted Golden Cunt Award for your performance,” Malcolm chimed in. He laughed lewdly and zoomed in for another close shot of her tormented face.

  Suddenly, Bertram removed, the rubber dildo from her pussy. She heard a lewd sucking noise as her pussy-lips plopped back into place, releasing their grip on the rubber shaft of the thick dildo.

  Now what? she wondered. She bit her lip and stared up at the ceiling, but she soon had to avert her gaze. The lights were too bright in the room. She would go blind if she looked at them for long.

  She didn’t have to wait long for the answer to her question. Bertram Havermeyer tugged off his trousers and climbed on the torture table. He stood above her bound body and leered down at her. He reached down and began to stroke his half-hard prick.

  “Get a close shot of my cock as it begins to get hard,” he instructed Malcolm. “And you, Sally. You watch carefully. I’m gonna fuck you with my prick! Fuck you good and hard!”

  His eyes were glazed with passion and obscene lust. Although he was looking right at her, it seemed as though he were staring right through her, splitting her head in two with his decadent glance. She winced and tried to look the other way, to take her eyes off of his prick. But she felt a strange fascination with his prick as he stroked his cock to an enormous erection. Bertram’s prick was nowhere near as huge as Malcolm Reams’ gigantic unit, but it was still larger than the average cock.

  His prick began to throb and lurch as he jerked himself off, rubbing and stroking his sensitive cock-flesh between his fingers. His fingers moved frantically up and down his bloated cock-shaft until his prick was as hard as a rock. He beamed with pride, his prick wagging obscenely above her face, pulsating with obscene desire and need.

  “Unnnhhhhh! Aaaahhhh!” he moaned and gasped as he jacked his prick off. He was enjoying himself immensely. And in some strange way, it was exciting Sally to watch him jack off. His prick grew with every jacking motion, grew and throbbed mightily as his cock became engorged with blood and his cock-knob quivered with desire.

  “I’ve got plenty of nice, hard prick for you, Sally,” Bertram said, sneering. He knelt on the black, leather tabletop, positioning himself between her splayed legs. Gripping the base of his thick cock-shaft, he guided his quivering cock-knob between the folds of her outer cunt-lips. Pussy-juice filled her cunt and dripped out of her twat, forming a small puddle on the tabletop between her legs. Her slick cunt was prepared to receive his cock-shaft as he slipped it into her pussy.

  “God damn you, you evil bastard!” she bellowed in disgust and anger as she felt his prick sliding deep into her cunt. His prick-tip probed the depths of her pussy, prodding and ramming and reaming out her rippling cunt-walls.

  “God may damn me, but you sure as hell won’t! Not once I get started, bitch! Hang on, sweet cunt! I’m gonna take you for a real ride! A real fucking ride!” With that, he plunged his cock hard and fast into her twat. “Unnhhhhh! Mmmhhh! Nnnhhh!” he gasped breathlessly as he began to fuck her pussy with powerful cock-thrusts. His prick was firmly embedded in her tight twat. He began to gyrate his hips rhythmically, timing his cock thrusts with a cool methodical stroke. “You like it, Sally? You like getting fucked like this?”

  “Ohhhh!” she gasped, unable or unwilling to reply to his lewd question. She was ashamed to admit that he was correct. She did like it. He was fucking her like an expert. Before long, she felt tingling sensations in her cunt, and her clit was spasming and throbbing with sexual pleasure.

  He raped her cunt brutally, but with well-timed cock-thrusts that set her off tremendously, turning her on, making her writhe about with obscene lust and unfulfilled passion. Her pussy throbbed and absorbed his powerful cock-thrusts. Soon, she found herself arching her back as much as her shackles allowed, arching her back and tightening the muscles in her cunt, trying desperately to prolong the wondrous sensations that coursed through her well-fucked pussy. Sally knew that this man knew what he was doing. Her hips jerked fast and she swooned in delirium as his prick sluiced in and out of her hot, wet cunt.

  “Yeah, you like it, all right! Shit! You love it! I’m fucking you like a madman! Hell, I am a madman! A fucking animal! That’s what I am, a fucking animal! And you love it! Hell, you love every second of it! I can tell!”

  There was no sense in trying to hide her emotions. She knew that he really could tell that she was enjoying the fucking. She was really turned on now, her pussy wet and slippery with ripe cunt-juice. Her twat was boiling and on fire from the powerful cock-thrusts of Bertram Havermeyer’s raging hard prick as it slammed deep into
her cunt.

  “Admit it, cunt!?” he shouted at her. He bent down and bit her nipple, causing her to jerk in a reflex action, the pain coursing through her tit. “Admit it! You love getting fucked by my hard prick! Admit it, you slut!” He bit her nipple a second time and she writhed in agony.

  “Yes! I admit it! Y-your prick! It feels so damned good!” she exclaimed in a stammering, stuttering, high-pitched voice as she hunched her hips to meet his thrusts into her cunt. It felt as though her pussy was on fire, steaming and boiling as he raped her. “Ohhhh,” she whimpered softly. “I love it! Fuck me more! Fuck me! Fuck my hot pussy!” Suddenly, she pulled her legs around his pumping hips as tightly as her shackles would allow, tears of bitter embarrassment welling up in her eyes and then spilling down over her red, blushing cheeks as she humped and bucked beneath his mighty cock-strokes.

  His hard-muscled body was dripping with sweat as he fucked her twat, slamming his prick hard into her cunt. He bent over her face and slipped his tongue into her mouth. His raspy tongue explored the linings of her mouth, dipping deep into her oral cavity. He sucked her tongue into his mouth, then he bit her bottom lip gently. His hair was whipping about his face as he came up for air, ramming his rock-hard prick into her cunt with terrific force.

  “Unnhhhhh! Aaaahhhh! Unnhhhhh!” he panted and groaned with sexual ecstasy, relishing the wonderful fucking, his body taut, the muscles and sinews that lined his arms and legs tight as a drum. His prick lurched and pulsated and throbbed inside of her pussy, his cock-knob banging into the linings of her taut, wet cunt.

  Sally bucked and kicked, her shackles rattling as she fucked back, absorbing his cock-stabs into her pussy. His prick was ramming even harder and faster into her cunt than before. She could feel her pussy-muscles instinctively clenching and clamping down on his fleshy cock-spear, grasping at his cock-shaft as it slammed into her tight young twat. She could feel the heat coming from his body as he fucked her with powerful, unyielding cock-strokes, his bulbous cock-knob pounding hard into the sinewy linings of her seething, dripping cunt. She was soon overcome with lust and passion, her mind sizzling with lewd, forbidden desire. Her cunt was throbbing quickly, whipping about in its cuntal-sheath. Scalding curds of cunt-juice formed on her pussy-hair which was frothed with thick, slimy pussy-goo.

  “Aaahhh!” she yelped, throwing her head back, her long red tresses matted and tangled, damp with sweat. Her face was contorted with lust and passion. She dug her heels into the plush leather covering of the table and bucked beneath Bertram’s powerful cock-thrusts into her heated cunt, gaining leverage with which to push her lower torso upward. She had lost all sense of propriety, all sense of self-worth. She felt wholly degraded and abused as she jerked and twisted in the throes of sexual ecstasy. Nothing could save her now. Her dignity was lost forever as she gave in to the lewd sexual demands of her hot, fucking cunt. “Aaahhh! Aaahhh! Unnhhhhh! So great! I love it!” she hissed through pursed lips.

  She felt her pussy-muscles clamping down on his rock-hard prick, pulling and tugging at his heavy veined cock-stand, raking his prick through her cunt-channel which rippled and throbbed with intensity, responding lewdly to the fucking.

  “Unnhhhhh!” he snorted and groaned loudly, fucking her hard, fucking her fast, fucking her brutally with powerful cock-stabs. His prick lurched and throbbed in her cunt, slamming in and out of her pussy, rubbing across her erect and spasming clit, drawing sexual joy from her heated loins.

  Every muscle fiber in her body clenched and tightened like a screw, and she twisted and turned as much as her restraining shackles allowed her to move, writhing in sexual bliss, totally overcome by the wonderful and delicious sensations that coursed through her juicy, tight pussy. She relished the emotions that she felt – conflicting emotions that were totally alien to the young girl. She felt intense sexual pleasure, a throbbing sensation that shot through her clit and coursed through her veins, rushing to her brain. At the same time, she felt a sense of horrible shame and degradation. She was being terribly abused, her cunt raped by a man who cared not one iota for her welfare or pleasure. All that Bertram Havermeyer cared about was his own erotic delight – that, and making a sexy porno movie. He didn’t care about her at all. He was selfish and egocentric. If push came to shove, he would abruptly abandon her to the wolves, to be ruthlessly devoured while he stood by and watched with total dispassion.

  “Unnhhhhh! Unnhhhhh!” he gasped, his prick performing a lewd, trembling and lurching dance inside of her hot, dripping twat. “Unnhhhhh! Shit! I… I’m gonna come! Get… get a… a close shot of… of this,” he stammered, instructing Malcolm Reams who moved forward and zoomed the lens of the movie camera in on Bertram’s stiff, slick prick as his cock sluiced fast into the girl’s hot pussy.

  “I got it! I got it! Come whenever you’re ready,” Malcolm said, spreading his legs wide as he positioned himself to film the man’s climax.

  Sally looked at Malcolm, her body quivering with passion as she caught sight of his raging hard-on. Malcolm was naked, his huge muscles rippling and glistening in the harsh light, his prick throbbing and his balls clenched in his tight nut-sac. He had a bird’s-eye view of the fucking and it was getting him hard, his prick twitching with evil lust and wicked desire.

  Was it her body that was turning Malcolm on so much? she wondered. She knew that she had a beautiful young body, firm and delicious. She was a very desirable feminine specimen. Sally knew that. But was she turning Malcolm on, making his prick grow so quickly and stiffen into a hard erection? Or was Malcolm getting turned on by watching this lewd display?

  She knew the true answer, but she didn’t want to admit the truth. Malcolm didn’t really care about her either. If he did, he would stop this obscene happening at once. Then again, she thought, did she really want it to be stopped? No! her mind responded anxiously. No! She wanted to keep right on fucking.

  “Ohhhh, yes!” she gasped. She could feel her orgasm beginning to develop, building in her hot, tight cunt, ready to spill over at any moment. She hoped and prayed that Bertram would hang on for a few more precious cock-strokes. “Ohhhh, wait for me!” she wailed. “Wait! Wait, for me!”

  “Fuck you! Fuck you! You…” He came suddenly, his body stiffening like a board. His prick lurched upward and inward, sticking far and deep in her cunt. His cum spewed out of his cock-slit in torrents, drenching her abused pussy with jism.

  “Unnhhhhh! Unnhhhhh! Aaaahhhh!” he grunted as he shot his load of thick, creamy jism into her pussy, his face contorted with lust, his lips curled over his straight, white teeth, his tongue lolling and hanging out of his mouth like a crazed animal.

  Bertram Havermeyer wasn’t about to wait for her. He was having his sexual thrills, enjoying his erotic pleasure. He really didn’t care about her at all. He only wanted to get off himself. Never mind if she didn’t come. He didn’t worry about her attaining an orgasm, not at all. All that he worried about was his own climax – and his filthy porno film.

  Even as he came in her pussy, his jism coating the linings of her cunt, Bertram Havermeyer turned around and spoke to Malcolm. “Did you get it all? Did you zoom in when I shot my load into Sally’s pussy?” he inquired, sweat dripping from his brow, spilling onto her up-thrust tits, dropping onto her puckered and pointed nipples.

  “Yeah!” Malcolm Reams replied. “I got it all on film! It’s a great scene! We won’t have to do a second take!”

  Thank God! Sally thought. Jesus! She didn’t know if she would be able to withstand a second take of that scene.

  Sally heard the loud tattoo of spiked heels coming through the doorway.

  “Hello! Anybody home! It’s Mindy! I’m ready to go to work!” came a shrill voice which echoed through the condominium apartment. “Get the camera ready for me, you angels! It’s Mindy!”


  “Hey, what do we have here?” Mindy Mandringer said condescendingly as she sauntered into the harshly lit room. She moved in an obviously well-pra
cticed, oft-performed, seductive canter, moving her hips about in a gyrating motion so that her firm and supple ass-cheeks rubbed together.

  Sally looked at Mindy, noticing instantly that the woman was a true beauty, voluptuous and stacked, her firm tits jutting upward beneath her filmy cotton dress. Her nipples could be seen through the thin fabric, puckered and pointed. The woman had a cruel look about her, the look of a vixen who could never get enough – a first-class bitch. Her eyes were heavily made up; her lips were covered with bright red lipstick. Her hair was shining, dark brown, medium long and straight. Her body was perfect in every detail. This woman was made for sex. But, Mindy Mandringer looked like a small wench, a bitch! There was no mistaking the evil, nasty glint in the woman’s eyes as she strode forward, her hips gyrating seductively as she walked.

  Sally was frightened out of her wits. Good God! she thought. This woman means trouble, serious trouble! Sally moved about uneasily in her bonds, the shackles tearing at the tender, flesh on her wrists and ankles. She was helpless and at the mercy of her tormentors. But now her tormentors numbered not two, but three! Two men and a strange woman.

  “Hey! Good to see you again, Mindy! You little bitch! Shit, you’re a fucking sight for sore eyes,” Malcolm Reams said with enthusiasm. He licked his lips and strolled forward, swaggered forward, his cock stiff and huge, drooping from its sheer weight down near his knees. “Yeah, baby. My unit has been dying for your pussy! You delicious little cunt!”